The Office for IT and Digitization (ITD) of the Senate Chancellery supports authorities, district offices and state companies in Hamburg in identifying processes that can be automated and in introducing the RPA technology.
As part of a six-week project, the Office for IT and Digitization, in cooperation with Dataport for the Center for Personnel Services (ZPD), was able to digitize and automate a process that had previously been carried out entirely manually and was partly paper-based. The bot does its job every night and takes care of bank returns from salary payments, which can arise, for example, in the event of the employees changing accounts. This ensures that the responsible personnel departments are informed immediately, can react quickly and initiate repayments. The ZPD employees involved in the process will be relieved of these time-consuming routine activities in the future and will have more free capacity for alternative tasks.
“RPA is a valuable component of our digital strategy. We can automate processes in the shortest possible time and thus make everyday work in administration more attractive and efficient. Since the ideas and suggestions are submitted by the employees themselves, we know that the robots are used exactly where they are needed. A strong combination to advance digitization in administration.”
Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer of the City of Hamburg
Outcome and Prospects
The first robots have been in operation since mid-2021 and after a year of project duration, a total of 5 software robots are in use. In order to offer a high added value, the ITD works closely with the employees from the specialist departments. Further automation ideas are continuously being developed, and new software robots are being used.