Home RPA for UK National Health Service

RPA for UK National Health Service

by sol-admin

Advocating for change among a workforce of 1.2 million is no easy task. That’s why when it came time to improve costs, transform the organization, and make NHS the best place to work, RPA was an important part of their digital transformation. This is a piece of the NHS presentation told by Neil Picton, Head of Workforce Engagement at the National Health Service, at Imagine Digital:

“We have 1.2 million staff within the National Health Service, we have an increasing population, we have an ever-growing life expectancy and we have the increasing care needs for our population as well. But it itself is a challenge that is extremely difficult to meet. And so the people plan was looking up from a workforce perspective. How we’re gonna introduce things like transformation and sustainability work speeds. How we were going to absolutely rise to the challenge of being able to deliver more for less, things like transformation and sustainability, cost improvement plans. Do we have a solution to try and meet the common conundrum of how we do deliver more with less? It’s not just around how we do that – it’s about how we bring our stuff along that journey. I’m in a very privileged position where I get not only to manage the workforce systems and information side of things but also around recruitment and retention and actually how do we ensure that the NHS is the best possible place to work it can be. And it’s a responsibility I take very seriously. So when we’re looking for solutions, when we’re looking for technology to ensure that we are working in the most effective way possible, it doesn’t just have to deliver efficiency – it has to ensure that we increase the value of our people. I think that’s a very key message and one that’s extremely important within my group.

RPA is what came forward as a very viable solution to meet all of those necessities. I’m making a very safe assumption that you will be aware and but this paragraph just for me was very useful for me. To take back and communicate with my stakeholders and executives to gain that level of buy-in software that uses virtual workers to replicate the way humans interact with applications. As a result, entire workflow processes can be fully automated at greater speed, accuracy, and reliability. I’m sure you’ve heard it many times before but for us to be able to sell that and bring those messages back to the organization is very important.”