Established in 2015, SYFR Health Information Management is a medium-sized billing company that is not limited by its geographical location, thanks to technological advances in the medical space. SYFR takes pride in serving clients locally and also in various regions of the U.S. One day, the company saw its chance to ramp up business and enter a new league. Here is this story.
For years, SYFR worked with whatever software its clients happened to be on. Some were even still using paper records. Many EMRs had lots of bells and whistles but required way too many clicks to get to the whistles. This made it tough on the company staff, who had to be proficient on many different platforms. Cross-training was a nightmare.
“Our problems came to a head when we had an opportunity to bid on a really high-volume client. We were competing against large players with sophisticated automation and machine learning. They charge lower rates because of their impersonal, push-button service. We, on the other hand, are dedicated to individualized service. There was no way we could enter the arena with our existing mix of technologies and limited analytics—much less keep the soul of our company.”
Dustin Martinson, CEO, SYFR Health Information Management
Then Martinson learned about Kareo’s RPA solution, which automatically integrates data from any EHR into Kareo Billing.
“The lights went on for me. I saw how this technology from Kareo would give us the sophisticated machine learning and reporting we needed to take our business to a much higher level. And because Kareo is so easy to learn and use, we could expand without hiring staff or taking time away from customer relations. That sealed the deal.”
Dustin Martinson, CEO, SYFR Health Information Management
Before automation, each of SYFR’s team members processed an average of two claims an hour. Now they’re pushing four. Automated data entry has improved both accuracy and resource allocation. With Kareo’s RPA solution, data flows by itself. Errors have decreased significantly. This streamlining frees up the staff to spend more time recapturing every dollar of revenue that might otherwise have been left on the table.
- 40% improvement in operations efficiencies
- 200% improvement in claims processing speed
- 30% boost in revenue per clinical encounter
- 95% clean claims
“We’re including more and more big independent labs and hospitals to our client base and expanding geographically across the country. If a large orthopedic surgery group comes to us, for example, we’re confident that we can serve them well. None of this would have been possible without Kareo’s RPA solution.”
Dustin Martinson, CEO, SYFR Health Information Management