AI, robotics, and automation are transforming how work gets done across industries. One area driving major shifts is the automation of business processes. From manufacturing to finance to customer service, companies are using AI tools to streamline and optimize workflows that were previously handled manually.
This change is redefining the workplace and the skills needed to thrive in the modern economy. While some jobs will inevitably be replaced by automation, new roles are emerging that require humans to work with AI tools in novel ways.
Joining John Xavier, Technology Editor @ The Hindu to discuss whether the rise of automated business processes is a double-edged sword disrupting certain careers while creating new opportunities is Mihir Shukla, CEO and co-founder of Automation Anywhere, a leading robotic process automation company that serves companies in over 100 countries.
Listen to this interview to learn why automation + AI is a thing where 1+1 = 11 (not 2) and many other insights from Mr. Shukla.