Home Zinnov: Intelligent Automation Proves to Be the Most Effective Investment for Enterprise Sustainability

Zinnov: Intelligent Automation Proves to Be the Most Effective Investment for Enterprise Sustainability

by Ant Sh

Zinnov, a leading management consulting firm, advocates Intelligent Automation as a low-effort, high-impact investment that allows firms to create and use processes that minimize the negative environmental impact and achieve organizational sustainability goals.

According to Zinnov’s recent article “How Enterprises are Moving Towards Sustainability”, there are several methods that enterprises have been adopting to increase their operational efficiency. The firm has classified these interventions into the following 5 categories: intelligent automation, green production and consumption, smart infrastructure, carbon offsetting, and supply chain modernization.

Intelligent Automation (IA) proves to be the most effective with respect to two metrics — implementation effort and the result magnitude. Implementation effort is a function of the timelines, capital investment, and the versatility of solutions offered. On the other hand, the magnitude of results is based on the intensity of the outcomes delivered, the number of sustainability metrics impacted by the intervention category, and the level of enterprise adoption.

IA proved to be the winner, despite carbon offsetting being the easiest to implement, and smart infrastructure having the highest magnitude of results. This is because it is cost-effective and at a moderate level of implementation effort intensity while simultaneously delivering tangible results in a short period of time.

To dive deeper into Zinnov’s playbook for sustainability, read the recently published white paper “Helping Enterprises Realize Their Sustainability Goals Through Intelligent Automation”.